Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017: The Year of Challenge, Change, and Restoration

There are many prophetically significant events to look forward to in this New Year 2017. The Bible verse we received for this year is Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

This is also a verse that I received in years 1999 and 2000, which were the years of great challenges, changes, and restoration for me. And now 17 years later, it happens again, but this time not only for me, but also for the nations, especially Israel and United States of America.

Seventeen itself is a number that stands for death and resurrection or challenge and restoration. It was on the 17th day that the judgment of worldwide flood came upon the world, and it was also on 17th day of the month that the flood ended and the new era of restoration began.

So, I believe we can expect the same things in the 17th year of this new millennium that also coincides with year 5777 on a Hebrew calendar,  with five being the number of grace and triple seven the number of completion.

We are already seeing early signs of it with the nations showing hostility towards Israel by declaring East Jerusalem off limits to the Jewish people and declaring building of settlements in the so called "occupied territories" illegal. Having a more friendly American president in the office from January 20, will for sure help, but it doesn't mean that things will be easy.

Many Rabbis in Israel believe that Donald Trump came to the office after overcoming so many obstacles by God's design as he will be exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old on the day of his inauguration, with 70 being the number of Israel and double seven again for divine intervention and completion of His plans. Personally I am pleasantly surprised by the change that this man is going through and the policies he is proposing, and how friendly he is towards God's people both Christians and Israel.

The world ruled by "the prince of the air" and "god of this world" will be throwing everything it has  against both Israel and America, so there will be great challenges, but also there will be great changes leading to restoration in both nations. But it will be a tough year for the nations that came against Israel as by this act they opened themselves up for Satan to wreak havoc among them, that is why we need to pray for those nations to turn away from those attitudes. The United Nations will become even more irrelevant and might even be dissolved if countries such as United States stop supporting it financially or even leave it over its hostility towards the only democracy in the Middle east while they give a free pass to murderous regimes such as Islamic Republic of Iran.

And for the Church of God worldwide,  we can expect spiritual challenges, but also many victories that is why I believe the Lord gave us this specific verse from the Book of Joshua as an encouragement to press on and face the giants, so that we can posses the land that He has promised us.

I will be delving deeper into the many mysteries such as that of the number 17 and other prophetically significant signs and events that will be happening this year.

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