Monday, May 26, 2014

Why Israel Will Not Find A True Friend In Pope Francis

Israel does not have too many friends in the world due to the unceasing anti Jewish propaganda being continuously spread in all kinds of media by Islamic groups, according to which Israel is the aggressor and the Palestinians are the oppressed.

Constant attacks on Jewish civilian population are notoriously underreported by the Western media
and most Western leaders espouse the politics of appeasement towards the Islamists. Pope Francis is one of those leaders. He turns the blind eye to the persecution Christians all over the world are suffering from the hands of the Islamists, condemning only the attacks that happened to receive much publicity.

It wasn’t an accident that the Pope chose to visit Jordan and the Palestinian Authority area before going to Israel. It sent a clear message to them that he is really on their side in this conflict. Pope Francis of course is appearing friendly and respectful to the Jewish people when visiting Israel, but he will not be their true friend.

Unlike many evangelicals who see Israel’s rebirth as the first step towards fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel, Roman Catholic Church believes the replacement theology, which teaches that God replaced Israel with the Church after they rejected Jesus as their Messiah and therefore they do not have any right to the Holy Land or God’s promises.

In addition to that we must remember that Pope Francis was raised in Argentina, a long time haven for the former Nazis fleeing Germany and the responsibility for their crimes committed during Second World War, along with whom came strong anti Jewish sentiments and worldview, by which the current Pope might have been influenced.

We do not really know what his personal position on Israel’s right to the existence in the Holy Land is, but he does not send very good early signals, as the events progress however they will eventually become more apparent, but Israeli leaders would be wise not to count too much on Vatican’s support.

Author's Note: Photo Used Courtesy of

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Wave Dream

Back in early 2003, I had a series of three related prophetic dreams regarding the future of the church. The first of them was about the wave.

In it, I was in one of the buildings of a beautiful city. There were many different gorgeous buildings of various sizes and many high rise buildings too. The streets were immaculately clean and all its inhabitants were very proud of that city which I felt they had built. I was one of them and I felt the sense of pride when looking at it through the window of one of the high rise buildings that I was staying in.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the sky was clear when suddenly at the far distance a small grey rain cloud appeared. In a few minutes it drew close and it began to rain, very lightly at first, but then the rain intensified and it rained harder. I saw clear water running through the streets, which were turning into streams of rushing water, when I noticed a huge wave of crystal clear water quickly approaching the city. The wave was forceful and it was higher than the highest buildings of the city.

I thought, this city will surely be destroyed and I wondered what to do and what will become of all the inhabitants of the city, then the dream ended.

I knew that this dream was from God and after thinking about the symbols that were  in it, I came to the following interpretation.

The city and its buildings symbolized the work of men and that is why all the people in it , including myself, were having a sense of pride in it. this were the various Christian ministries built by human effort, in our human strength.

Clear water, on the other hand represents the work of the Holy Spirit and His power. This city was beautiful, but it lacked the power of the Holy Spirit and did not give much room for what He wanted to accomplish. I believe that this dream showed that in the coming years the Holy Spirit was going to begin a very special work that would eventually take over and destroy that which was not built according to God's will and purpose in His Church.

It will begin small like that rain, but soon it will become streams and rivers  in the city and eventually the tidal wave of the Holy Spirit will completely take over and we will witness His power in the Church once again, but we will have to leave behind our own ideas, ways, self will, and our pride.

I can see it already happening. More and more dedicated believers are not satisfied by just "doing church" anymore and they begin to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit to go beyond that, learning how to be the Church instead. They are beginning to build solid relationships with other believers instead of "building ministries," these relationships help them to build each other up spiritually, so they are not confined to just their local churches or denominations, we are all beginning to see that we are part of something bigger.

Interestingly enough a house church movement that began about a decade ago is called a "tidal wave" and it is growing on all continents of the world.

It has been happening for quite some time in countries were the Church is being  severely persecuted such as in China or Iran, but now it is beginning to also grow in Europe and North America. Some church leaders see it as a threat to their leadership, but I think that it is of God. The Church has been divided around individual ministries and/or denominations for far too long and most believers were cut off from the rest of the body and God's life. It resulted in immaturity and unhealthy reliance on a one or few charismatic leaders, which then often turned into a personality cult.

I believe that The Lord is now changing this situation, so we can be a greater witness to the fallen world and be prepared for His return. He is not going to come back for the bride with spots and wrinkles, battered and bruised by sin. He is coming for His beautiful bride washed in His blood, strong, pure, and triumphant. I don't know how about you, but I want to be a part of that.

Author's note: Image the courtesy of

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Biblical Dream Interpretation

All through the Bible, in both Old and New Testaments, we can see examples of God speaking to people in dreams. Some of them were patriarchs, prophets, others were regular people called by God to achieve great things for Him. He even gave dreams to those who were not His people, who did not know Him at all such as Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.

In each instance God gave the interpretation of the dream as well, either to the dreamer himself or to another person who could interpret it. The great thing is that He did not cease to speak to us through our dreams, but we need to be familiar with the symbols He uses in order to interpret them correctly, and the Bible is the very source of these symbols.

The prophets of the Bible predicted that in “the last days” or what is called now in popular culture “the end times,” God will pour out His Spirit and give many people dreams as well as visions, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”(Joel 2:28)

In following posts, I will discuss some of those symbols based on prophetic dreams and their interpretations that I have received from God over the years. In some of them God showed me the glimpse of what is coming in the future both for the world and for the church, so that me and other people could prepare for it. Other dreams were given to me in order to prove to me that the Bible is really God inspired book and not the document falsified over the centuries to fit certain Church doctrines as some people claim.

It has been amazing and very supernatural journey for me and I think that many of you would be interested as you might be also on a similar journey. Did you have vivid dreams that you could not shake off, but the meaning of which you could not or still cannot understand? If it is so, then please join me and you might just find out the answers you were looking for. Let us explore together the world of dreams and visions, and the interpretation patterns given to us in Scripture.