Saturday, May 3, 2014

Biblical Dream Interpretation

All through the Bible, in both Old and New Testaments, we can see examples of God speaking to people in dreams. Some of them were patriarchs, prophets, others were regular people called by God to achieve great things for Him. He even gave dreams to those who were not His people, who did not know Him at all such as Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.

In each instance God gave the interpretation of the dream as well, either to the dreamer himself or to another person who could interpret it. The great thing is that He did not cease to speak to us through our dreams, but we need to be familiar with the symbols He uses in order to interpret them correctly, and the Bible is the very source of these symbols.

The prophets of the Bible predicted that in “the last days” or what is called now in popular culture “the end times,” God will pour out His Spirit and give many people dreams as well as visions, “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”(Joel 2:28)

In following posts, I will discuss some of those symbols based on prophetic dreams and their interpretations that I have received from God over the years. In some of them God showed me the glimpse of what is coming in the future both for the world and for the church, so that me and other people could prepare for it. Other dreams were given to me in order to prove to me that the Bible is really God inspired book and not the document falsified over the centuries to fit certain Church doctrines as some people claim.

It has been amazing and very supernatural journey for me and I think that many of you would be interested as you might be also on a similar journey. Did you have vivid dreams that you could not shake off, but the meaning of which you could not or still cannot understand? If it is so, then please join me and you might just find out the answers you were looking for. Let us explore together the world of dreams and visions, and the interpretation patterns given to us in Scripture.

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