Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: The Year of Historic Events

The Lord often works in cycles and that is why history has a tendency to repeat or at least to rhyme.
The year 2019 is the last year of this decade and therefore will be a harbinger of things to come, and as such following the historic pattern of ushering in major changes on the world stage.

We can follow this pattern by looking back on previous decades. There was a global financial crisis in  2009, and the  Yugoslavia war in response to Serbian ethnic cleansing in 1999, also Euro currency was created that year. Further back we saw the fall of communism beginning in 1989, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. In 1969 humanity landed on the moon, in 1959 Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba,  in 1949 Soviet Union ended the blockade of Western Germany, Israel signed peace treaties with surrounding nations, and NATO was created. The WWII began in September of 1939, the Wall Street crashed in 1929 and the Great Depression began, and in 1919 the Treaty of Versailles began, which officially ended WWI and the League of Nations was created, also Great Britain received control over Palestine. The pattern seems to hold for the last 100 years.

I am not saying of course that there were no major historic events happening in other years, but the kinds of events described above would also set a tone for the next decade, and often what began in those last years would extend to next year and beyond, so we can expect some major trend setting events to happen this year that will extend to 2020 and beyond.

Let us hope and pray that whatever happens will be positive in nature. It might be the fall of Islamic Republic of Iran, which would end the 40 years of oppression for the Iranian people and dry up the funding for global terrorism, ushering in a decade of hope and  peace?  I pray that this will be the case. But I guess we will find out as the year unfolds. I also wish that it will be the year of blessing and drawing closer to the Lord for all of us. Whatever happens, we are always safe under the shadow of His wings. ( Psalm 17:8)

1 comment:

  1. Hi E.N. Tehrani. This is Nelson Doyle from the good old days of Triond. I just want to let you know that I cancelled my Living By Grace blog on Scribd this year. My new Bible Study blog is now located on WordPress at: https://wordpress.com/stats/day/deuteronomy117.wordpress.com

    I have also linked to your blog here as well. You can delete this comment if you want. I will be coming back to read through your latest blog posts soon and also commenting.

    I have missed talking to you. I hope that you have been doing good.

    GOD BLESS YOU, my dear Sister in Christ Jesus.

    Nelson Doyle
