Sunday, May 7, 2017

France Decides Their Identity And Future In The Second Round Of Presidential Elections

Decades of social engineering and unregulated immigration policy are now bringing many Western countries to the point of crisis over their identity and their future as citizens of native origin of those countries finally begin to push back against gradual destruction of their distinct cultures.

France is the country with over 1000 years of history and very strong national as well as cultural identity, but it also has the biggest Muslim population of all European countries and a very large immigrant population that began to have a real impact now on French identity and culture, which shows itself in big arguments over burkinis at the beach and women wearing burkas and headscarves in public places, which is considered "not French" by majority of indigenous French citizens. This clash had been escalating to violence over the years with Muslim women physically assaulting scantily clad French woman in a public park to police removing burkini off of a Muslim woman at the beach to a series of Islamic terror attacks in France in recent years and months.

This is a backdrop to today's presidential elections, in which two candidates represent two different visions for the country. Marine Le Pen represents those who wish to control immigration better and to ensure that new comers would not only respect, but assimilate to French culture thus preserving its traditional identity and retain its sovereignty within European Union or even leave it if they must, while Emmanuel Macron represent those in France who want to stay in European Union and  try to create some sort of unity in its fractured society and those who are afraid that any change or strong stand on immigration policy would cause the already frequent riots to turn to a full blown civil war.

This is a difficult choice that French citizens must make today and it is hard to say which side will win, but regardless of who will win, the identity and culture related problems will not go away and other Western countries are going to face the same problems in the near future as France faces today, if they won't change their approach to immigration, especially in the face of the millions of refugees that are flooding them due to wars taking place in Africa and Middle East.

So far, out of all Western countries Canada had been an example of high rate of assimilation of immigrants into the main stream Canadian culture, which celebrates unity in diversity, but that was largely the result of well crafted immigration policy that controlled the number of immigrants and refugees Canada was receiving every year with strict rules regarding the necessity of them knowing either French or English well enough to get around and get jobs before they received their citizenship and them being educated on Canadian values that they will have to abide by as Canadian citizens. Now the current Liberal government is rapidly changing that approach by increasing the numbers of immigrants and refugees received, effectively opening wide its American borders to anyone who wishes to come in, and fast tracking the citizenship even for those who did nit assimilate yet, and in my opinion this will bring down the road to Canada the very same problems that France is facing today. May God give wisdom to the French voters today and may the rest of us learn from Europe's mistakes.

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