Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Call To 30 Days of Prayer Coinciding with Purim 2017 Celebrations

There are a lot of things happening in both the physical and spiritual realms right now. During a prophetic prayer meeting last Thursday a friend shared with me that she feels that The Lord is calling her and other believers who have desire to seek the Lord to more intensified time of prayer beginning today and ending on March 11, which coincides with the time Purim begins this year ( The Feast of Esther) thought it is not a coincidence at all.

She said that she senses that The Lord wants all of us to prepare spiritually for what is coming in the near future. That The Lord desires to empower His Church and pour out His glory, but He can do that only with those who are ready. She feels that it will begin around March 11th.

And being a type of person always hungry for everything that The Lord has for me and not wanting to miss out on anything, I accepted the call and decided to share it with all of you as well. As I began to pray today and to repent on my own behalf and that of my nations, I also asked  for more understanding about the times in which I am living as well as the signs of the times.

As I prayed, I began thinking about what is special about Purim and why The Lord called us to pray and intercede before Him at this time. Well, as most of you know from the biblical Book of Esther, Queen Esther after whom the name of the book was called, was faced with conspiracy created by then Prime Minister of Persia (modern day Iran) to destroy al Jews in one day. Sounds familiar?

Today's Islamic Republic of Iran's Government repeatedly made promises to do just that one day, to "wipe Israel of the map." Perhaps he Lord is calling us to prayer to intercede before Him on behalf of His people both Israel and the Church who are going to come under attack. Now, Esther's intercession did not reverse the edict calling for genocide of the Jews, but it gave the right and power to defend themselves.

One of Purim's traditions is to hold a fast three days before the beginning of the feast in memory of Queen Esther's fast, which falls on March 9th. I plan to do so as well and invite al of those who can to join in as well.

I believe that as we pray, repent, fast and intercede before our King if Kings Yeshua ( Jesus), He is going to spiritually empower us to face our enemy, so that we will gain victory, and so will Israel. We are all Esther called to the kingdom of God for such a time as this. In following pots, I will share my growing understanding of how the coming conflict between Iran and Israel will tie in with the sign of the Virgin that will appear in September of this year, and the coming War of Gog and Magog.

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