Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Warning Dream: Russia Declares War Against United States

 Recent escalation of rhetoric between Russia and United States reminded me of a warning dream that I received back in 2015. It was actually a series of war dreams that ended with a dream in which Russia declared war on United States and the West.

In that dream I was shopping in a small convenience store when a sales person interrupted the transaction and said with a very grave expression on her face, " It began. Russia declared war." She did not say against whom, but I just knew that it was against United States and by extension against all its allies including Canada and my native country of Poland.

The atmosphere was tense and despite everything around me going on as usual, I knew that we were living in a quite new world, that the old good days were over. I remember thinking in that dream that this is what must have felt like to all the people on the day World War II began.

This dream ended a series of dreams I had  between May and July of 2015 about war both in Canada and  in Poland, shootings, bombings and fight for survival. I really hope and pray these dreams will never come true, but I believe that we must pray against this possible future coming to pass. These dreams( and I know I am not the only one having them) are a warning from God about what the enemy wants to do and a scary part is that the current U.S. administration is walking into a trap set up by him.

The plan is to create another World War or another form of chaos in The United States, and the rest of the world, so that all the nations would agree to the creation and submit themselves to a new world government, which will be eventually ruled by a man whom the Bible calls the "Antichrist", "The Beast," and " the Man of Perdition."

We cannot stop this world government from forming or the Antichrist from coming, but I believe that through our prayers we can delay it. All who know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour are the Church and collectively we have the authority from Him to destroy the works of evil. We must use that authority now more than ever.

Let us join our brothers and sisters in the United States in prayer for mercy and another revival in their country, as well as for the right leader who could stop that chaos from coming. Now, Donald Trump is not a godly person by any stretch of imagination, but at least he feels in his "guts" what is coming and is willing to try to stop it by developing a better relationship with Russia and by placing his country on a better economical track.

Because if nothing changes in Washington and America stays its present course, Russia will finally declare war on United States. Russia holds America responsible for creating a climate in which groups like ISIS could form and not only did America not taken any responsibility for that, they continue to fund and support rebel groups in Syria in hopes of them forming a more "moderate" government there while in reality they are fanatics ten times worse and more bloodthirsty than current Assad regime that Russia is backing. They will not just look on as Middle East and its oil go down in flames along with world economy. Putin said just as much in his warning to western press that was never aired on any main stream media news and he was right when he said that most Americans have no idea that the world is on the brink of another nuclear war.


  1. You are right about this. America is in its last days and the European Union is under construction to place the artificial intelligence similar to "Sophia" created by Hanson Robotics was issued a citizenship in Saudi Arabia and the United Nations welcomed the robot that looks like a person the ability to hold a leadership position of power. I have been studying Daniel and John the great Apostle and noticed there will be false miracles that will come from the sky which means these robots will have the ability to get the nuclear codes since they are the internet they have already made their own languages and hacked into systems that the best hackers couldn't hack. I had a dream that I saw used driverless cars being sent to third world countries and they didn't know how to fix them and wires were hanging out of them as we were using them to evangalize in small tribal villages in India. I had another dream I went to a cashier to pay for merchandise and she said they no longer take cash but held her hand out and showed me computer chips and she told me this is what you need to buy or sell. Then I saw millions and millions of people rushed up to heaven faster than a speed of light singing "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH YOU ARE FULL OF YOUR GLORY, HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!"
    Everyone sang the same song in the new tongue language as ONE!
    I have been baptized to the glory of God through Christ Jesus in the Jordan River and then I received the fire baptism in Judea, Israel in a bedowian tent in the desert. I believe the Lord is coming quickly and the tribulation is closer than we think, The Bear Russia will come in along with the Dragon, China and will come up through the waters of the ocean by nuclear submarines undetected they will use fake cellphone towers that are placed all almong USA and use that as the missile tracking the detonation system of where to land on certain cities meant for destruction while they gather to riot and protest, like LA, San Diego, Seattle, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, Miami, Florida, Tampa, Florida Washington DC and New York, New York they will make the warning deterctors not to work by EMP "Electronic Magnetic Pulse" that will destroy the high wave frequency, so many Americans will be out as "business as usual" and that's when it will happen many nuclear missiles that will evaporate huge cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles! Then, they will spoil the goods water and food and such and will use our military machinery which the only thing cable of being used against EMP is world war 2 planes and machinery which they will attack Israel targeting Megiddo (Armegeddon) a Israeli military base. While raising up artificial military weaponry and robots and pushing survivors into concentration camps in the USA and chipping them under communistic control for the new world order takeover and democracy will be no longer as people will be enslaved to the Radio Frequency Identifcation Device human implant and those that will refuse will be beheaded and that's when the two witnesses: the two candlesticks; will come in the midst of the tribulation to show the world great miracles and fire to witness that the Lord Christ Jesus saves and it will be announced on television with every eye will see and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord by watching on their cell phones! 2031 is when America will be at its weakest when Russia and China will sneak attack and Prince Charles will be king announcing the fall of Babylon America!

  2. You are right about this. America is in its last days and the European Union is under construction to place the artificial intelligence similar to "Sophia" created by Hanson Robotics was issued a citizenship in Saudi Arabia and the United Nations welcomed the robot that looks like a person the ability to hold a leadership position of power. I have been studying Daniel and John the great Apostle and noticed there will be false miracles that will come from the sky which means these robots will have the ability to get the nuclear codes since they are the internet they have already made their own languages and hacked into systems that the best hackers couldn't hack. I had a dream that I saw used driverless cars being sent to third world countries and they didn't know how to fix them and wires were hanging out of them as we were using them to evangalize in small tribal villages in India. I had another dream I went to a cashier to pay for merchandise and she said they no longer take cash but held her hand out and showed me computer chips and she told me this is what you need to buy or sell. Then I saw millions and millions of people rushed up to heaven faster than a speed of light singing "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH YOU ARE FULL OF YOUR GLORY, HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!"
    Everyone sang the same song in the new tongue language as ONE!
    I have been baptized to the glory of God through Christ Jesus in the Jordan River and then I received the fire baptism in Judea, Israel in a bedowian tent in the desert. I believe the Lord is coming quickly and the tribulation is closer than we think, The Bear Russia will come in along with the Dragon, China and will come up through the waters of the ocean by nuclear submarines undetected they will use fake cellphone towers that are placed all almong USA and use that as the missile tracking the detonation system of where to land on certain cities meant for destruction while they gather to riot and protest, like LA, San Diego, Seattle, Washington, Anchorage, Alaska, Miami, Florida, Tampa, Florida Washington DC and New York, New York they will make the warning deterctors not to work by EMP "Electronic Magnetic Pulse" that will destroy the high wave frequency, so many Americans will be out as "business as usual" and that's when it will happen many nuclear missiles that will evaporate huge cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles! Then, they will spoil the goods water and food and such and will use our military machinery which the only thing cable of being used against EMP is world war 2 planes and machinery which they will attack Israel targeting Megiddo (Armegeddon) a Israeli military base. While raising up artificial military weaponry and robots and pushing survivors into concentration camps in the USA and chipping them under communistic control for the new world order takeover and democracy will be no longer as people will be enslaved to the Radio Frequency Identifcation Device human implant and those that will refuse will be beheaded and that's when the two witnesses: the two candlesticks; will come in the midst of the tribulation to show the world great miracles and fire to witness that the Lord Christ Jesus saves and it will be announced on television with every eye will see and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord by watching on their cell phones! 2031 is when America will be at its weakest when Russia and China will sneak attack and Prince Charles will be king announcing the fall of Babylon America!
