Saturday, April 30, 2016

What's Behind The Rise of Donald Trump And Other Rogue Politicians

Main stream media all over the world are watching in fear as Donald Trump wins state after state in
the United States' primaries, wondering how their own politicians and the public would react to the possible future election of President Trump.

Trump seems to defy all political rules with his highly divisive and politically incorrect statements that in the time past would render a politician unelectable, and he is not the only Western politician who has done that.

Everyone, including the left leaning media, were stunned when Justin Trudeau won the Canadian Federal Elections back in October. To be fair, his rhetoric was not  the same type as Trump's, but it was extreme nevertheless.

Trudeau used to praise Chinese dictatorial regime for the ease with which they pass legislation, admitted to smoking pot while in office as an MP, fought for the right of convicted terrorists to keep their Canadian citizenship, and promised to run $10 billion deficits  each year as Prime Minister.

It seems that everywhere in the world the people show rebellion against establishment whatever that establishment is at the time in each respective country.

Rebellion against the establishment is at the root of current war in Syria, out of which ultra terrorist group known as ISIS was born turning the majority of Middle Eastern countries into turmoil, which then spilled into Europe in the form of the ongoing refugee crisis.

And while the Churches of Asia, Africa, and Middle East are dealing with the most widespread persecution in the history with thousands murdered daily for their faith in Christ, the majority of Western Churches are falling away from their faith by embracing doctrines that are clearly against what  was taught by Jesus Christ and the early Church fathers. They are embracing sexual immorality of various kinds in the name of "love" and "tolerance", some have even denied Jesus and God the Father altogether...other major Western Church leaders deny Jesus as the Only way to The Father preaching that good deeds are enough to get to heaven, and that heaven and hell are not even real places, but only "states of the soul." Professing men of God think nothing of cheating on their wives, divorcing them, and then marrying another.

So, if the majority of the Church is in such a state of apostasy how can we expect any discernment on the part of general population? In the words of Jesus, if the salt lost its flavour, then how can one expect to flavor anything with it?

These are the signs of the times that our Lord Himself had predicted, "Then will they hand you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name. 
At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another,  and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. 
Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.  But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. 
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. " ( Matthew 24:9-14)
So what is behind the rise of Donald Trump and other rogue politicians in the West and elsewhere? It is rebellion that is rampant in the society because the love of the Church has grown cold. Let us not count on politicians to change the world. We are the salt of this earth, let us make sure that each one of us individually retains His flavor. Let us all as many as read this be the ones who persevere staying true to Jesus, and preaching the true undiluted gospel as a testimony to all nations before the end of this age finally comes. The Judgement of this world has already begun and the nations who rejected God are allowed to face the consequences of it, but those who continue to serve The Lord will grow strong and carry out great exploits. It is both the worst of times and the best of times in the history of this world.
Author's Note: Image the courtesy of

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